The Fellowship
Cael Delor
(All pronouns)
The Rangers of the North are known to be mysterious, their duty to battle darkness keeping them largely out of sight. But there is one, the Fell Warden, who is viewed with wariness and distrust even among other Rangers. Wielding a cursed blade and carrying a burden too dark to speak of, Cael Delor, the current Fell Warden, wanders Middle Earth with only one mission – to banish the Shadow, no matter the cost.
Cael is played by Nikki Boylan-Currie
(She / Her)
Everyone has heard of the Elvenking of Mirkwood, and even of his son Legolas, but what of his daughter? Bored of immortality and her father’s parties, Elerína, princess of Mirkwood, is itching to leave the forest and embark on her own grand adventure. Armed with a spear and her favorite romance novel, she’s ready to finally experience Middle-earth.
Elerina is played by Tori Owens
Hildigard Took II
(She / Her)
Hildigard Took, second of her name, is an inquisitive Hobbit of the Shire. When she is not hard at work in the Mathom House, she is writing sexy romance novels under her pen name, Ambrosia Everbottom.
In the Shire it is said, “…once in a while members of the Took-clan would go and have adventures” and “...there was still something not entirely hobbitlike about them…”
Will something Tookish wake up inside Hildigard and send her on an adventure of her own?
(Quotes from J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, Chapter 1, An Unexpected Party)
Hildigard is played by Stef Midlock
(She / It)
Moranor is an ancient elf of Valinor, a fiery warrior with many glorious days behind her. Way, way behind her. Now the people of Bree call her Wine-cloak for the copious amounts of wine and drink she spends her days drowning herself in. She’s an easy-going old mama bear, but she has enough old debts to pay to yank her out of her comfortable death-spiral and onto the trail of adventure at any time.
Moranor is played by Velvet Dracos
(He / Him)
Far in the east there are elves who refused the call of the Valar to go West to Valinor. Nionwë hails from these distant cousins of the elves of the west, and has journeyed into Eregion after a chance encounter with a blue cloaked wizard. A devotee of Oromë, Nionwë clings to his traditions and beliefs in a land that is in many ways very strange to him.
Nionwë is played by Jude Vais
(She / Her)
Gilraen, daughter of Dírhael and Ivorwen, is a Ranger and chieftain of the Dúnedain. Fiercely dedicated to her people, she was given the epithet of The Fair for her stern, but even-handed leadership. While she has placed her hope for the future in her son, Aragorn, the true heir to the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor, she keeps none for herself, choosing instead to shape that future through her deeds.
Gilraen is an NPC and is played by James Kaku Pierson